Monday, 10 January 2011

Lets do 52

One of my resolutions this year was to get out more with my camera, just for my own personal pleasure. I think as a photographer this is really important, to keep you inspired & creative. I'm always looking for new motivation & ideas so when I saw this challenge on another photographers blog I decided it was just what I needed.

Basically, the idea is to take a photograph, every week based on a theme. I'm going to be blogging the images that I create because of this challenge. Now, I missed the first week but this week's theme was togetherness, straight away this made me think of my family so I got out my camera & decided to spend some time with my Daughter, Grace. We tickled, tried on Mummy's make up, laughed, giggled but most of all had fun & this is one of the images that came out of that time.

Now to anyone else, it might not look like "togetherness" as she is alone in the image but that's the magic of a photograph...only those present at the time it was created know the real story behind the image. Others who view it at a later date can only imagine & create their own conclusions.

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